Preview of Rae and Essas’s Space Adentures


Who knew that it’s been nearly a year since Rae and Essa’s Space Adventures came out. Wow. Time has flown. I don’t think that I’ve shared a preview of the book so I’m sharing this from my main blog.


I think of writing more in this setting. I think it’s time Opi got a few things going for her in the relationship department. Who said mother’s can’t have fun and kick ass too.

Stay tuned for news on this story. Opi Battles the Space Pirates!


Rae and Essa Space Adventures


The story continues. Once again Rae is out in space, but this time she’s chased by Essa. Both go searching for Opi, their mother and for Alwin Anton, who have gone missing.

Check out this awesome cover!

Rae and Essa Space Adventures

Due out on May 8 with Escape Publishing. I’ll come back with a blurb and links when they are up. No more slumming it on an asteroid. No more beans. Rayessa’s in a private school, working on her grades and practicing karate!